Thursday, August 11, 2016

And Here came the start of our Adventure!

My husband and I welcomed our first son into our lives in 2010. He was a great baby he talked early, walked on time was fun to be around and just all around great!

he did have his quirks like the months and months where he would cry when anyone laughed (that was fun during my wedding lol) I was also unable to change his diapers in public restrooms with out him screaming bloody murder.

The closer our Mr.Smiles got to 3 the more his behavior and lack of social  and safety awareness became apparent, He also stopped sleeping! he would maybe get 3-4 hours a night.

One day after a awful meltdown, my mom took me out for lunch. We sat and ate and she approached the subject of Autism asking me if  I had considered it as a possibility. I was relieved not only was I not the only one seeing that something just was not adding up, I finally felt like maybe we could get some answers and help for him.

weeks followed and conversations with the husband, then finally we made a pediatrician appointment.
we went over everything all of the uncontrollable tantrums, the lack of sleeping, not being able to bathe him without a huge fight and plenty more. She referred us out to a neuropsychologist for a evaluation.

Finally the day had come and we went in for the eval, half a day later and we were sent to wait for the results....

when we received the email with the detailed diagnosis, it was hard to read. Mr.Smiles not only had ADHD but there it was in black and white AUTISM... 
so reading and research and hours and hours of trying to find him the best help ensued.

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