Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Several studies put the number of adults with ASD living independently at less than half.
including those with low, average, or above-average IQs, remain at home well into their 30s and sometimes beyond.
Something that always stuck with me was a behavior therapist that said
"that's great that he knows how to do division at 4 years old, but if he can't dress his self or accomplish other daily living skills independently at say the age of ten, then what level of functioning would you say he is ?"
She was stating this to show that academic inteligence, even launguage skills does not automatically mean that someone will be able to "function" enough to need no supports as a adult. Daily living skills is something that alot of people with ASD struggle with.
Wether a child/adult is "high" or "low" functioning they both come with their own set of weaknesses and strengths and every person on the spectrum is unique
We need to stop with the high/low functioning labels, it tries to put our children in a neat little box and limits those around them to not see their potential or to acknowledge their struggles.

It's something I have had a hard time with, being a mom to two boys on the spectrum I myself have been known to refer to them as such, but when you know better you do better!

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